I must admit that clutter has always been a bone of contention to me. I considered myself fortunate that we live in a rural area, away from others, so I don't have to worry about others thinking that I am a slob. It is a rare occasion that we have visitors. I sometimes work on my projects on the dining room table or at the kitchen counter and it usually looks like a cluttered mess. I cleared away everything when a friend came to stay last month. I forbade her to even look down the basement stairs...where my 'workshop' should be. But it is cold and dreary and dark down there and my things tend to appear upstairs, bit by bit, slowly creeping up to add to the clutter I have surrounding myself when I create. And who can deny that the view outside the dining room windows is wonderful! The basement is full of boxes and tubs and 'stuff' I have collected over the thirty(!) years we have lived here, just in case/maybe/someday...and looks a disaster. I am lucky that my husband tolerates my mess, as long as I clear a spot for him to eat. I guess after all these years, he knows me well enough not to agnonize over the mess I make since I am 'working'. Then I read this~ 'If the evidence of a life well-lived is in the clutter, I can learn to love it.' This rings so true to me. I plan to embrace my clutter and keep it somewhat organized...and keep on creating!
And I just realized that I have already writen on this topic...must be it really bothers me! Guilt~ at times it is my middle name....
I love seeing all your clutter. Thanks for keeping real!!