Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fairy Gardens!

OK...I'll admit it~I get a bit carried away when I see something I really like...err LOVE!
I stopped by Everlasting Gardens in Grand Rapids today to sign up for a class in making my own fairy garden and came away with a small garden after signing up for the class. But they are so adorably sweet!
I had my Mom with me and she was so enthralled that she got in and out of the car several times to look at the gardens and ended up with a sweet one for herself!
Now I need to plot how I can 'persuade' my darling husband to make an elevated bed by the front of the house for a large garden for the fairies...!
The last picture is the fairy garden that is all mine! I added the stone bench and the glass snail. Now I have to cross my fingers that no varmints go after it.


  1. I am in love with your fairy garden. I need to have Chris take me to that store. How nice that your mom could join you today too.

  2. Lee, These are just charming, fun and wonderful. I don't know which I like the best, so I will take them all! I have many old buckets and a little red wagon, empty and just begging to be filled. Great inspiration!

  3. Hi Lee - Hope your lovely fairy garden is doing well. All the ones you show in the photos are really charming. I love to create mini landscapes / gardens as well. I have an old trough that I planted as a mini landscape garden....full of small plants. Thanks for sharing!
    Tone on Tone

  4. doing a little blog hopping this morning and came across your fairy garden posts. I have fairy gardens growing in my brain right now. Ive been thinking about them for a couple weeks but havent gotten to the garden store to get started yet! but I did post a bunch of cute ones on my blog the other day, that you might like to see!
    have a great day!
