Sunday, August 22, 2010

ME Miniatures!

Another challenge by Cherry Chick~post pictures of Mary Engelbreit items. Well~I find most of my ME is in miniature. What can I say~I love miniatures! The chair is in a larger scale than one inch to the foot but I couldn't resist it. It was meant to be a pin cushion but some of my miniature teddys like to sit there. The tiny ME houses are actually 144th scale (very small!). I got them from theme luncheons I attended at miniature conventions. They were both made by Cindy Ross and I landscaped them. Check out Cherry Chick's blog

I know I have many ME items in the Christmas holiday theme. Hope there is a challenge in December!


  1. Those are so cute! Mary definitely inspires the cute in all of us.

  2. I have that same little ME Chair...too cute! Thanks so much for joining us all on ME Monday and I'm sure we'll still be sharing in December but feel free to post whatever ME you have whenever.
    ♥•.*.Thank you.*.•♥
    ♥•.*.from Vicki.*.•♥

  3. So sweet!! I love anything ME. She's such an inspiration.
